By "add html widget razor code" do you mean to add razor code to Html Widget ? If this is your question - unfortunately it is not possible.
About your second question: If I understand you correctly you need to add Html Widget on Topic page ? If this is what you need you will have to add a new widget zone in the TopicDetails.cshtml view and also add the new widget zone to the SupportedWidgetZones.xml file in the Html Widgets plugin.
Write back if you need guidance on how to do it.
You will need the source code version of nopCommerce.
If you have no experience with .NET it will be best to hire a developer to do the changes for you.
Currently we do not support this, because there are more complicated cases like when you have attribute combinations or you have allowed quantities. This will require big changes to the entire plugin that will affect the performance negatively. Hope you understand.
Sorry for the late response.
Can you raise a ticket with admin credentials so we can see your set up and inspect the errors in the log ?
You can show the product specifications and attributes on the invoice page, but you will have to modify the PdfService for this.
If you go to Libraries\Nop.Services\Common, open the PdfService.cs file and find the PrintOrdersToPdf, you will see orders collection that is passed to the method. In the method there is a foreach loop that goes through each order and generates the table you are seeing in the pdf file. In every order you have order item that has navigation property to the Product. In the product you will find everything about the product including the specification and attributes. All you need to do is to modify the PrintOrdersToPdf method to generate the specifications and attributes.
See the method code for examples of how to control the table width, how to generate tables and table cells.
Please write back if you have difficulties modifying the method! We will assist you.
About the pdf logo: Do you mean the logo in the Invoice document ? If you do you can upload your own from the Admin -> Settings -> General And Miscellaneous Settings -> Pdf Settings -> Pdf Logo. This will cause the image you have uploaded to appear on the top right corner of the pdf invoice document.
Hope this helps!
This won't be straightforward for implementation, but it is an interesting idea. Can you suggest this to our UserVoice portal ?
Yes, we reproduce the problem on your site, but we are unable to reproduce it on locally runned nopCommerce. That is why we think the problem could be from your set up.
Can you go to one of the missing images, inspect it and see if the link is valid ?
It will be best to provide as with a link to your website.
We were unable to reproduce this behaviour locally. Can you raise a ticket with admin credentials so we check your setup ?
By different cart do you mean different store ?