
Profile: Support


User posts

10 years ago


I am not sure that I understand you correctly. Currently if you see the products in list on our demo the image is on the left and the description is on the right of the image. When you see the same page on small mobile device (click on the iPhone image on the top of the page) the products are displayed one on a line and the image is on the top(as you want I guess) and the description is below the image.

If you can send some screenshots to our support email on how you want to customize the item-boxes it will be best, so that we can get a better understanding.

Looking forward to your reply!

Best Regards!

10 years ago

d-print wrote:
Hi Guys,

Is there any way of adding additional colours to the admin selection for the theme?
I am using a different colour per store and although I am aware that I can change the colours in the CSS for the existing, I wondered if it is possible to add colour selections?

Thanks in advance


Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment to have your own custom color as part of the color presets, but we are thinking of a color picker in the administration of the plugin that will allow you to  choose your own color for the color preset.
You can suggest this in our user voice portal and we will implement it in the next release of nopCommerce that is coming in a month.
Currently the only way to have your own color is to adjust the Themes/Allure/Content/Css/styles.css file and have your color there.

Thanks again!

Best Regards!

10 years ago

Topic for reporting any Nop Lavella Responsive Theme problems.

10 years ago

Help make Nop-Templates products better. Share your ideas or feature requests related to the Nop Lavella Theme for nopCommerce.

10 years ago

Topic for general discussion regarding the Nop Lavella Responsive Theme.

10 years ago

Slotraccoon wrote:
So what was:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "HomePageText" })">@T("Home")</a></li>

Should now be:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("HomePageText") })">Home</a></li>

Is that right as I get an error?


Yes this is why you get this error. The correct will be

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("HomePageText") })">Home</a></li>

where HomePageText is the Search Engine Name which you can see from the administration of the topic. This is not the same as the System Name of the topic. So replace HomePageText with the SE name of the topic with system name HomePageText.

Hope that makes sense!

10 years ago

Hi Rik,

We have sent you an email from our support account!

Thanks in advance!

10 years ago

iojvan wrote:
Can I move Newsletter and Recently viewed products boxes from right to left column. What I wont to do is transfer my theme from three column to two column layout! Is that possible?

Best regards!

Hi iojvan,

In order to make your site with two columns you should edit the following files as shown below:


Move the  

@Html.Action("RecentlyViewedProductsBlock", "Catalog")        
@Html.Action("NewsletterBox", "Newsletter")

in the leftside-3 element after the
@Html.Action("PopularProductTags", "Catalog") line.

You will need to add the following to the administration -> plugins -> nop electronics theme -> settings -> custom head styles textbox:

.rightside-3 {display: none;}
.leftside-3 {width: 25%;}
.center-3 {float: right; width: 73%;}

Hope that helps!

Best Regards!

10 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
I have installed the Allure template, but there is an image in the background of the "NEWS" section at the bottom of the home page that I want to remove/change.  How do I edit it?

Hi Sam,

You can do this by adding the following css in the administration -> plugins -> nop allure theme -> settings -> custom head styles textbox:

.news-list-homepage {background: none;}

Best Regards!

10 years ago


The two errors you are getting are very strange as this should not happen if you have the plugins installed. Would you try to modify the Global.asax file by adding an empty space at the end so that you trigger full application restart.

The two views you get the error for are embedded resources so you should not have these two files on your file system. They are part of the assembly!

p.s. may it be the case that you are using version 3.4 of nopCommerce which is not officially release and in which the embedded views functionality is removed?

Looking forward to your reply!

Best Regards!