
Profile: Support


User posts

11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Problem is encountered when we had manually mapped the products.

We have not tried the same case with data sources.

Yes, we are using 3.0 version on this site.


Thank you for the feedback. We have fixed this issue and uploaded it on our website. You should download the package again and upload the plugin according to the following article.

Thanks again!

11 years ago

jburke wrote:
Sorry, I should have let you know the version from the start! I am on 3.10 and do not have immedate plans to upgrade. So if you all can merge the changes, that would be fantastic!



The fix have been merged into 3.1 and uploaded on our website. In order to integrate the fix, please download the package again and update the plugin following the article.

If you haven't made any modifications to the Themes/Electronics/Content/css/styles.css file it will be a good idea to replace it with the downloaded one, because it contains some minor bug fixes as well.

Please let us know if the issue still exists.

New Field
11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:

I'm having trouble with a retrieving value of a field
I need to add categories in menu in additional "Categories Menu", i'm explain.

By Default it's possible to do :
Home, Categories
Home, Categ1, Categ2, Categ3

But i need to do that :
Home, Categories, Categ1

So, I added a new boolean field "IsInMenu" to exclude categories in sub "Categories" and Include it in First "<LI>" .

I edited Views to add my loop and my restriction but my field is always always "false" when I see in my administration this field is "true".

Do you have somes Ideas, to get my field's value and why is't not getting?


As far as I understand you have made customization to the CategoriesModel, admin view for categories, admin catalog controller and etc. I am not sure how you keep your new field in the database(probably as a entity attribute), but you should check your logic for setting this field in the administration and how you retrieve it in the public part.

Hope that helps!

11 years ago

joster wrote:
Gosh I hate that it's always me reporting what turn out to not really be bugs...

Anyway.. here goes...

It is very strange.

Since updating to 3.20, images displayed throughout my site are stretched to 100% width, regardless if I have width and height defined. Product images aren't affected, but if the product description contains an img reference, that image is stretched to the full width of it's container.
(example: )

All images on my topic pages are stretched to 100% width as well..

All images on my nopArticles plugin-generated pages are affected as well:

I assume this is something wrong in the alfresco stylesheet since it affects all these things, but I don't know what...


Hi joster,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

This issue had been fixed and uploaded on our website. You can either download the theme again and replace the Themes/Alfresco/Content/Css/styles.css with the one from the package downloaded or just edit your existing styles.css as shown below:

line 145:

.category-description img,
.manufacturer-description img,
.full-description img,
.topic-html-content img,
.topic-page img,
.post-body img,
.news-body img {
  max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

The line in bold is the changed one.


pvinit wrote:
Thank You For Reply,

As you said :- " One possible solution is to create your own method that accepts the new parameter, within this method call the unmodified PrepareProductOverviewModels function and then execute your custom logic. Thus both the Nop Ajax Filters and your custom logic will work. "

Can You Give me An Example for This So i can Implement it.



For example create your own method MyPrepareProductOverviewModels(IEnumerable<Product> products, bool preparePriceModel = true, bool preparePictureModel = true, int? productThumbPictureSize = null, bool prepareSpecificationAttributes = false,
            bool forceRedirectionAfterAddingToCart = false, your new parameter)
var productModels = PrepareProductOverviewModels(products,preparePriceModel, preparePictureModel,  productThumbPictureSize, prepareSpecificationAttributes ,
            bool forceRedirectionAfterAddingToCart );

foreach(var model in ProductsModel)
  execute your custom logic on the product modelusing your new parameter.

Hope that helps!

11 years ago

imprintableswarehouse wrote:
Is there a way to remove the Alt Tags from the Menu?

All that happens is it hovers and displays what the text already reads.

Thank you!


Yes you can. As you know all the views in the plugins are open to modifications, so you can easily edit them by removing the "alt" tags from the images and the "title" tag from the links. You can find the views for the Mega Menu in Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu/Views/MegaMenu .

For the infinite category template please edit the CategoryMenuTemplate.InfiniteCategories.cshtml file and remove all "title" attributes within the <a> elements.

For the categories in grid with pictures, please edit the CategoryMenuTemplate.WithPictures.cshtml and remove all the "alt" attributes within the <img> elements.

If you need any further help, please let us know!


Please note that all our products are guaranteed to work only for the official nopCommerce release and not custom builds.

I see that you have added a new parameter and that is why the Nop Ajax Filters throw an error as they rely on this method. Even if you make the parameter to be an optional, this will not work as this is a breaking change.

One possible solution is to create your own method that accepts the new parameter, within this method call the unmodified PrepareProductOverviewModels function and then execute your custom logic. Thus both the Nop Ajax Filters and your custom logic will work.

Hope that helps!

imprintableswarehouse wrote:
Is there a way to change the highlight (hover) color of the subcategories in the unlimited subcategories version of the 3.2 Mega Menu?

This was the ".mega-menu .box li a:hover {" in the previous Mega Menu version.


You can change the hover color as you wish. The styles for the infinite subcategories list are placed in the Themes\Electronics\Content\CSS\styles.css because these styles are used for both the infinite subcategories template of the Nop Mega Menu plugin and the default nopCommerce's top menu.

So in order to change the link color on hover you need to edit the following styles:

.header-menu .sublist li:hover {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05);

.header-menu .sublist li:hover > a {
color: #000;
text-decoration: none;

Hope that helps!

LMOS wrote:
how can i get the hover color of the nav links to remain the same when the mouse goes into the dropdown box?


We have answered you in our email, but just to post the solution here, so that others can benefit from it to:

You should make the following change in the MegaMenu.css file

.mega-menu > li > a:hover {
color: #ffffff;


.mega-menu > li:hover > a {
color: #ffffff;

The line in bold is the changed one.

11 years ago

jburke wrote:
Thank you for the prompt response. I did the update, cleared the cache, added some spaced to my global asax. The quicktabs are working but the rating still only shows up by the price if I disable quick tabs all together.

Hi jburke,

Can you let us know which version of nopCommerce you use, as this was fixed in the latest 3.2 version. We can merge the fix for your version as well.

Looking forward to your reply!