
Profile: Support


User posts

11 years ago

SilhouetteBS wrote:
I have a few feature requests for Nop Smart SEO. I would like to see the following added:
- Google & Bing Webmaster Tools meta verify entry
- A Social tab to add Open Graph meta data for Facebook, Twitter, and Google +
-- Facebook - Facebook Page URL, Frontpage Image URL, Frontpage Description, Default Image URL.
-- Twitter - Twitter Username
-- Google+ - Author for homepage, Google Publisher Page.

Hi SilhouetteBS,

The features you have requested are really good and its worth implementing them. Can you propose them in our user voice portal, so that other clients can vote for them too. We will consider implementing if not all of them, at least most of them as they are really valuable I think.


11 years ago

cicciuzzo wrote:

For this theme exist the language pack for example Italian?

because I downloaded from nopcommerce site but isin't complete.


Hi cicciuzzo,

Unfortunately our plugins and themes come only with Italian. If you download the Italian language pack, you will have to manually translate the resources used in our products, which are not much.
By restarting the application all the resource strings will be added to the Italian locale with English default values. Then if you want to translate the public resource only, you should filter the resources by containing "sevenspikes" / "neofashion" and not containing "admin" which will result in a roughly 100 string.

You can refer to a similar forum post but for Swedish.

Hope that helps!

p.s. We will be very grateful if you translate the resources and can send them to us, so that we can include them in our products. Thus others can benefit from this too.

11 years ago

beatmaster wrote:
Hi there

When Quick tabs are enabled @Html.Action("ProductSpecifications", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id }) located at ProductTemplateSimple.cshtml stops working and you can only have your specifications in a tab, I would like to use the tabs for various information but display my specifications on another spot on the page and not in a tab, Is there something I can modify to do this or is it not possible? (I am using 3.1)

If it is not possible, it would be nice that if you uncheck the "Enable Product Specifications Tab" then it should work like they did before the tabs were enabled (same goes for review and overview checkboxes)


You can show the product specifications. Just open the Plugns/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Themes/DefaultClean/Content/QuickTabs.css file
and change as shown below:

.product-details-page .full-description,
.product-details-page .product-specs-box,
.ui-tabs .product-specs-box .title {
    display: none;

the line in bold should be removed, so the above should be changed to

.product-details-page .full-description,
.ui-tabs .product-specs-box .title {
    display: none;

Hope that helps!

11 years ago

3deadseascrolls wrote:
Hi - I am using your Nop Categories Header Menu all is well and good except it is only displaying top level subcategories.

When i mouse of a (top level) category link from the menu there is a thin grey bar to the right of the link being displayed - it looks like it is trying to show something - any ideas appreciated

PS Please note i changed the first Z-Index from 1000 to 9 as the top level categories were being concealed by the Nivo Slider underneath. (I have played around with the other Z-Index entry (by default set to 100) assuming this to be the problem have tried several values but nothing made any difference

Have played around more and got it to work i think but dont know if this is best fix ---->

In .sf-menu ul        i changed overflow from hidden to visible (don't even know what it is but it works for some reason!)


As you have made modifications to the menu it will be hard to find out what might be wrong. Would it be possible to send us a link so that we can have a look at what might be wrong and fix it. Can you let us know which version of nopCommerce you use.

11 years ago

Hi joster,

I think you have written the system name for the About Us topic incorrect. Can you try with the following:

<div class="topic-html-content-body">
    @if (Model.SystemName == "aboutus")

Looking forward to your reply!

11 years ago

pvinit wrote:
i have install and configure smart seo plugings.
but i have a issue with all catagory and product page.
they are on render and throw an error.
i have customize a nop commerce source (lot's of change in model and and view and so many new fields are added).

error is :-

Input string was not in a correct format.

Line 22:             {
Line 23:                 var result = acquire();
Line 24:                 //if (result != null)
Line 25:                     cacheManager.Set(key, result, cacheTime);

plz advise how to solve it..?


Can you please send the stack trace of the error, as we cannot guess what might be wrong by just looking at the lines above. In which files does the error occur, what changes have you made, are you sure that this error is due to the Nop Smart Seo plugin.

Can you let us know the id of the order so that we can double check what product you are using.

Looking forward to your reply!


Thank you for your feedback! We have moved the related products down before the products also purchased.

Can you please download the theme again and replace the Themes/Electronics/Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml and
Themes/Electronics/Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.Grouped.cshtml files with the ones from the downloaded package.

Best Regards

11 years ago

naresh wrote:
I just notice that, If i disable Ajax Filter the issue doesn't occur, please advise..


Hi Naresh,

There was an issue with the Nop Ajax Filters that had been fixed and deployed on our website. You should download the package again and replace the Nop Ajax Filters plugin folder with the one from the package. Then just install the plugin again!

If the error still occurs, please do not hesitate to contact us again!

Best Regards!

11 years ago

JonJJ wrote:
Hi guys

I'm trying to find out which theme to buy from you.

A few days ago when I was browsing your templates, there was a template roller on NeoFashion and some of the other themes.

Now today it is gone. What happended? :-)


Sorry for the inconvenience!

The theme rollers were switched off around the upgrade of the demos to nopCommerce version 3.2. Now they are up and running. You can find them for the following themes

Nop Fashion Responsive Theme
Nop NeoFashion Responsive Theme
Nop Electronics Theme

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us again!

Best Regards!

11 years ago

ylechasseur wrote:
Hi Guys,

I have been for the week-end under several attack from Asia. With a name like usnautic, I can understand. I should name the web site libianautic !!. So, I re-image the server yesterday and change the Ip address, Fix my Cloud Flare settings and it seems to be ok. Also, the problems began when I tried to install a new web site (classifieds) done in Framework 3.5. I had to install a lot of features in IIS and I think I screw up somewhere or maybe because the yellow man was to aggressive.. who knows !!

In fact, no widget was working at all. Also, I find in the even logs about 3 logins tentative per second from China on the SA account..
So I found a script to block all asia, Russia and middle east country in Windows Firewall. I already block them with CloudFlare, but they seems to find a way true ..


Hi Yves,

Good luck with the fight. We also had some bots attacks that we tried to prevent.

Best Regards!