
Profile: Support


User posts

11 years ago

MattyLB wrote:
share button space on 480.css & 768.css is too narrow. changed mine to 237px and it seems to work fine. :)

is there an easy way to move the wishlist button down next to the cart/buy now button?

Hi Matt,

The product share button space is reserved for a share button with size 16x16, while you have updated your to be bigger with size 32x32. It really looks nice and you have correctly increased the reserved space about it.

If you want to move the wishlist button down to the buy now button, you will need to edit the Themes/Alicante/Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml view and move the @Html.Partial("_ProductAddToWishlistButton", Model.AddToCart) call to the  @Html.Partial("_AddToCart", Model.AddToCart, dataDictAddToCart) call. But you may need some styling to adjust the button as you wish to look like.

Let me tell you about one of our latest features. Now you can write your own custom css in the administration of the plugin for the theme, rather than editing manually the styles.css file. I think thus is much more easy for our customers. So if you need to add some css for the new position of the wish list button, you can do it via the administration.
Hope that helps!

11 years ago

Hi DKL73,

I am not sure I quite understand you. Can you please be a little more specific. Which button exactly do you have in mind - the buy button on category page, on product page, on quick view window, .. ? What do you want to happen when the button is clicked. For example when the Buy Now button on the category page is clicked or the Buy Now button on product page.

Looking forward to your reply!

11 years ago


There is a category setting for the Display Per Page options. You will need to go through all your categories and change this setting to whatever you want. You can have a look at the following video for "How to set the "view per page" number of products".

Hope that helps!

11 years ago


This is an interesting idea. I suppose there are a lot of ways you can do that.
One place where you can place the new functionality might be to place it in the Themes/Alfresco/Content/Scripts/Alfresco.js file, but you should be careful in a future upgrade to merge this change to the new version of the theme. Alternatively you can create your own separate js file, called MyCustomScript.js for example and include it in the Themes/Alfresco/Views/Shared/Head.cshtml file just as the Alfresco.js file is included. Thus your functionality will be separate and in a future upgrade you would need just to copy this file and include it in the new version of the theme.

As to the actual functionality you can implemented it for example on a page load a java script can change the background-image property of the body element. You can have a logic that pics a number from 1 to n and sets the background-image property of the body to be background-n.jpg for example. You can place these images in a known folder, so that you can guarantee that the image will be always available on your server. Something like this:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var n = {your_logic_for_generating_a_random_number};
    var backgroundImageFileName = 'url(/Themes/Alfresco/Content/{My_Images_Folder_Name}/' + 'BackgroundImage_' + n + ')';

    $('body').css('background-image', backgroundImageFileName)


{your_logic_for_generating_a_random_number}; is a js function which will generate a random number form 1 to n;
{My_Images_Folder_Name} is a folder created in Themes/Alfresco/Content folder. There you can place all your images that will be used as background images. All background images should be with names "BackgroundImage_1", "BackgroundImage_2", ... , "BackgroundImage_n".

Hope that helps!

Should you need any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us again!

11 years ago


First let me thank you for your proposal. I agree that the feature with the shopping basket will be really very helpful and will be a great feature to our responsive themes. We will implement it for sure, just cannot commit to a deadline for this. As nopCommerce 3.2 is going to be out till the end of the year, we will do our best to have it implemented by then. You can also propose it for voting in our user voice portal so that other customers can vote for it too.

We are also thinking of implementing a theme roller for the Jewelry theme, but it can be a little  tricky as the theme has its unique design and might be not as straightforward as we think. We will let you know once it is decided.

Thanks again for the feedback!

11 years ago


Thank you for your feedback. We have fixed that and uploaded the fix on our site. You can either download the theme again and replace the Themes/Jewelry/Content/css/styles.css file with the one from the package or just edit it in a text editor as shown below:

line 140:

.category-description p,
.manufacturer-description p,
.full-description p,
.topic-html-content p,
.topic-page p,
.post-body p,
.news-body p
  margin: 10px 0;

The line in bold is the added selector that needs to present.

Hope that helps!

11 years ago

Topic for general discussion regarding the Nop Alicante Responsive Theme.

11 years ago

Topic for reporting any Nop Alicante Responsive Theme problems.

11 years ago

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Theme Class
11 years ago


When you add the "light" to the "theme class name" option in the administration for a given slider, this class is added to the slider. This is used for adding custom styling for a slider, not custom css files. The file is one and is located in the following location: Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders/Themes/{Your_nopCommerce_Theme_Name}/Content/nivo/nivo.css file. In it you can add the custom styles. The style below can be an example of how to use the "theme class" option.

.theme-light .nivoSlider

As you can see the word "light" which was added in the "Theme class name" textbox is added after a "theme-" prefix. This is done to avoid possible problems with duplicate class names.

Hope that helps!