
Profile: Peter.Zhekov


User posts

Hi Suzana,

Can you please provide me access to your site so I can see exactly where the problem is, and to be able to give you the best solution to fix it. A 'URL' to a live site will be just fine. Also, you can send me some print screens for better understanding.

8 years ago

Hello there,

I believe you want to change the background color on the sublist. If that is so, you can add the following code in 'administration --> Plugins --> 7 Spikes Plugins --> Nop Lavella theme --> Custom head styles'.

.header-menu .sublist li:hover {
    background-color: lime;

Here you can use any color you want instead of 'lime'. You can set RGB or HEX value also.
I hope that's what you want to accomplish.
If there is something else, please write back and we will help you as soon as possible.

9 years ago

Hi Marko,

You can completely remove the tabs if you use the code below:

.home-page-category-tabs {
   display: none;

If they works properly on PC, you better add the codee above in this breakpoint:

@media all and (max-width: 1000px) {
   .home-page-category-tabs {
      display: none;

9 years ago

markokrstic wrote:
Hi Marko, Have you got any live site, or can you please provide an image to see how does it look on the mobile devices, because on our demo site it works fine.  

Hi Marko,

The problem is in the javascript code that you used to call the 'fancybox' popup (see the code below).

    'hideOnContentClick': true

9 years ago

Hi Marko, Have you got any live site, or can you please provide an image to see how does it look on the mobile devices, because on our demo site it works fine.

9 years ago

Perf wrote:

I have some problem with pic. size for the slider could you tell me the exaxt size you use for Right and left side on your demo site (Lifestyle) Also how "big they are in size


Hi there,

For the left slider on the homepage, we use images with height 600 pixels and width of 1100 pixels. For the right slider, our images have width of 800 pixels and the equal height with the left ones (600 pixels). That's their real sizes.

Hi Again 

We have now uploaded the pictures but when you see the slider it seem like the right pic. it "cut off" what are we doing wrong

Hi there,

Please try to add the following code in the 'administration --> Plugins --> 7Spikes Themes --> Nop Brooklyn theme --> Custom head styles'

.main-banner-2 .slider-wrapper img {
    height: auto !important;
    max-width: 100% !important;

In your case, you have image with a white background so it will be fine. If you can inspect our demo - we have the same situation - our right slider is chopped out little bit. You can change the image proportion it if you like or simply try the code that I am sending you.

9 years ago

Perf wrote:

I have some problem with pic. size for the slider could you tell me the exaxt size you use for Right and left side on your demo site (Lifestyle) Also how "big they are in size


Hi there,

For the left slider on the homepage, we use images with height 600 pixels and width of 1100 pixels. For the right slider, our images have width of 800 pixels and the equal height with the left ones (600 pixels). That's their real sizes.

9 years ago

roonz wrote:
If a user has the Skype Click to Call add-in loaded in Firefox, the Nopsmart footer repeats the Phone icon 6 times. 
is it possible to fix this. It's pretty easy to repro this.
1) install nopcommerce
2) install nop-smart theme
3) Create a phone number in admin module ( Make sure that the phone number is recognizable to Skype i.e. 1300 394 123
if you put text in the number it wont be recognized by Skype and wont be a problem in nopsmart
e.g. +111 (Mobile) 012345

3) install Skype add-in to Firefox
4) Open your nop-smart themed site in Firefox
You will see the phone icon repeated 6 times

Hi Roonz,

I followed your steps, but I couldn't reproduce the problem. Maybe it's because we might have different browser versions. Can you please tell me which version you have, and also can you send me a print screen with the problem.

nonam wrote:
Hello Nop-Templates Team!

In testing my website, I found a few things that may need to be changed in the theme itself at your end. You can let me know if it's not the case.

TOPICS PAGE: When creating a table in a Topics Page, the table simply does not show up on the website, only text. What is strange is that you move your mouse to the topic page header from the menu, you can actually see the table. But once you are within that page, it disappears. Same thing happens when trying to see the page with the Ipad. But, interestingly, when you try to see the page with the Iphone, you can a message indicating that it's impossible to view that page as a result of being restricted???

TERMS OF USE : Upon checking-out, the customer must read and accept these terms. That's fine. The one issue with this is that the text and the hyperlink is stuck all together, making it difficult to read. I have tried to add a space between the statement asking the customers to read these Terms AND the "(read) that appears just beside it, but I was not able to. Not sure if this is a Theme issue.

CUSTOMER ACCOUNT:  The "PRINT" and "PDF INVOICE" boxed buttons on the page displaying the Order Information are too close to each others, resulting in overlapping the French language. I have checked similar buttons on other pages, and they extend OK withouth overlapping.

That's it for now!

Thanks again for your feedback!  Manon :)

Hi there,

For the 'terms of service' link you need to find the code below which is in the 'styles.css' file.

.terms-of-service a{
    margin-right: 5px;
    font-weight: bold;
    cursor: pointer;

As to the both buttons in Order information page, please use the code below:

.order-details-page .page-title a {
        position: absolute;
        top: 120%;
        left: 50.5%;
        min-width: 120px;
    .print-order-button {
        margin-left: -130px;

You can only replace the styles where the bold lines are the changed one.

As to the 'topic page' tables - you are right, there is no border. In this case you can use this code:

.topic-page table,
.topic-page table td {
    border: 1px solid;

Please if I am missing something write back for more support.

9 years ago

Hi Marko,

We will appreciate if you use our "Ticketing system" to declare your request to support. Thanks in advance!