
Profile: Peter.Zhekov


User posts

9 years ago

Hi Marko,

Can you provide me access to live site, to inspect the code and to tell you what to do.

9 years ago

Please excuse us for the delayed respond.
This is what you must do to achieve the wanted result:
Go to 'administration --> Plugins --> 7Spikes Themes --> Nop Urban theme --> Custom head styles' and add the code below:

.home-page-category-grid.banner-included .item-box .title.small-title strong {
   width: 102px;
.home-page-category-grid.banner-included .item-box .title.small-title a {
   padding-top: 70px;
.home-page-category-grid .title.small-title.odd a strong::after {
   display: none;

Please pay attention to the bold passages. They might have different values - it's your decision (if you want to place the title lower, just add more padding-top). One more thing, keep in mind that these changes will apply on the other similar categories, so if this does not satisfy you please write back and we will try to solve the problem.

Hover Overlay
9 years ago

Hi Helger,

You can change the overlay background color if you add the following code in the 'Custom head styles' section (which you can find in administration --> Plugins --> 7Spikes Theme --> ArtFactory Theme):

.product-grid .item-box .description-wrapper, .product-list .item-box .description-wrapper {
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

In the code above you can use various color instead the one I set.

Hover Overlay
9 years ago

Helger wrote:
Is it possible to change the colour of the overlay, when hovering over a product image?

Hi Helger,

Can you please provide a link to your website? I need to see which theme you are using, so I'll be able to give you proper advice.

9 years ago

goodman wrote:
How do you change the news background image on the home page using the admin section ?

Hello there,

You can not change the News section background from the admin section. However it's not difficult to change this background via changing the CSS file. First you need to add the image you want to set as background image in the folder: '~Themes\Tiffany\Content\img\'. Then open the file '~Themes/Tiffany/Content/CSS/styles.css' and find the following code. Here you need to replace the bold text(the current image name) to your new image name:

.news-list-homepage {
    background: url("../img/background_news.jpg") repeat scroll center top;
    margin: 130px 0 30px;

9 years ago

nonam wrote:
OK. What if I want to change the order of these topics? Which file do I need to work in to do that? I don't have the MegaMenu.cshtml file and the guide refers to that.

Hello there,

To rearange the topics order, just edit each particular topic 'display order'. Go to 'administration/Contant Management/Topics(pages)', then edit some topic by changeing his display order. The elements with display order equal to '0' will be before those with bigger numbers.

9 years ago

nonam wrote:
Forgot to mention that I am actually using version 3.70.

Hi there,

You can add any topic you want in the 'Mega menu'.
What you need to do is to go to 'administration/Content Management/Topics/'.
Then select the topic you want to include in the mega menu, and check the option 'Include in top menu:'

9 years ago

prateek.shah wrote:

How do I disable shadow from the scroll bar. I am unable to trace the css file. See attached.

Kindly suggest.

Many thanks

Hi Pratik,

Please find the code below in the file '~Themes/Brooklyn/Content/CSS/980.css'.

.flyout-cart {
        display: block;
        position: fixed !important;
        top: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        right: -320px;
        z-index: 1030;
        width: 320px;


What you need to do is to change the bold line from 'right: -320;' to 'right: -330px;' and that will solve your problem.

9 years ago

Please find the file '~Themes\Urban\Views\Shared\_ProductBox.cshtml' and once you have opened it, change the 'div' with class 'buttons' the way it shown below:

<div class="buttons">
            <div class="vertical-centering">
                <div class="buttons-inner-wrapper">

                    @if (!Model.ProductPrice.DisableBuyButton)
                        var addToCartText = T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart").Text;
                        if (Model.ProductPrice.IsRental)

Instead of <div>, now we have <a class="buttons" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = Model.SeName })">.

<a class="buttons" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = Model.SeName })">
            <div class="vertical-centering">
                <div class="buttons-inner-wrapper">

                    @if (!Model.ProductPrice.DisableBuyButton)

That is what you need to change in the view. And one more small detail. In the file '980.css' in the very bottom of the file (but before the closing bracket)add this styles:

.product-grid .item-box .buttons::before {
    display: none;

9 years ago

Hi Objects,
The difference comes from the original design. By design when the products are in list view, when the customer hover over it the buttons shows with transparent background all over the image. So in case you don`t like it, I can help you with suggestion but I need to know what you want to accomplish, and how to place the elements in the item?