
Profile: Peter.Zhekov


User posts

9 years ago

Please find the file '~Themes\Smart\Views\Product\ProductTemplate.Grouped.cshtml' and take the code below:

<div class="product-collateral">
                            <!--associated products-->
                            <div class="product-variant-list">
                                @foreach (var variant in Model.AssociatedProducts)
                                    <div class="product-variant-line" data-productid="@variant.Id">
                                        @if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variant.DefaultPictureModel.ImageUrl))
                                            <div class="variant-picture">
                  @Html.Action("RelatedProducts", "Product", new { productId = Model.Id })

Place whole block of code in the 'overview' but at the bottom.

<div class="overview">
                        @Html.Partial("_Discontinued", Model)
                        <div class="product-name">
                            <h1 itemprop="name">

Finally you might need to get the 'full-description' and place it over the 'prpoduct-collateral'.

@if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.FullDescription))
                            <div class="full-description" itemprop="description">

I believe this will help you to achieve what you want to.

9 years ago

Hi there,

I apologize for delayed response, but this issues are already fixed and you can update your theme now to get them.  

9 years ago

Hi Mihailn,
Let me start backward with the font issue. Actually in this theme we use 'Open sans', which is free font and you can use it easily if you add it from the web. Also there are a lot of supported languages in this font (including Greek). The reason why it does not support Greek is that we did not configur the font to support it. But you can do this if you check the following link:  

There you can find everything you need to set this font to support Greek and Greek Extended also. Once you set the font to support your language you just need to change the link below which you can find in the file '~Lavella\Views\Shared\_Root.Head.cshtml'

<link href=',300&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Now for the catalog pages issue:

Find the file: '~Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters/Themes/Lavella/Content/AjaxFilters.css' and look for this code below:

.sortOptionsDropDown {
    background-position: 95% center;
    width: 110px;

Once you find it, change 'width: 110px;' to 'width: auto;'. This will provide enought space for the options in the selector, depending of the longest one.

In the same file find this code and again add the bold lines: {
    display: block;
    float: right;
    line-height: 45px;
    color: #888;
    font-size: 14px;


Then find this code in '~Lavella/Content/CSS/768.css':

.product-selectors {
    border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    display: block;
    font-size: 14px;
    text-align: left;
    z-index: 17;
    float: left;

And add the bold line.

Finaly in 'styles.css' add the code below:

.product-grid, .product-list {
    clear: both;

I hope I have been helpful. If you need some more help or support write back.

9 years ago

Hi BrickHuntersBrickHunters,

I have made some changes in the following files:




So you can update this files only. If you made your own changes in those particular  files and you are afraid that you will lose it all, please write me back and I will send you all my changes and I will guide you to merged it manually.

9 years ago

Hi JayC,

The easiest way to do this is to change the file 'Themes\Motion\Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml'. Find the code below and paste it in the bottom of the file:

@if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Description))
    <div class="category-description">

Make sure you place it right after the 'pager' element in the markup:

@if (!pager.IsEmpty())
    <div class="pager">
/*category description goes here*/

9 years ago

Hi there,

Please add the code below in the 'Custom head styles' and I believe you will get what you want (if only the subcategories are what you want to change):

.sub-category-item .picture {
display: none;
.sub-category-grid .item-box .title {
    position: static;

9 years ago

Hi there,

The changes are uploaded now, so you can update and test. Please write back if there are some more problems.

9 years ago

Hi there,
Thank you for your report! I am working on it and I will let you know once it's done.

9 years ago

infiniti wrote:
Thank you Peter for your response, it solved both the problems. One more thing is that my category names are long so the box in the mega menu is cutting the letters at the end of a long name instead it should wrap the text if the name is long. Also is there a way that the pictures are not shown in the menu and only categories are shown in the grid.

Hi there,

This can solve the issue with the long word if you add this styles below. Please add the styles in the custom head styles.

.header.normal .mega-menu .dropdown.categories.fullWidth .box .title a {
    word-wrap: break-word;

There is just one small disadvantage, that this style breaks the word incorrectly (you can have only one letter in new line, which is not correct).
Unfortunately there is no other way to solve this problem.

If you want to remove the images, you should add the following code in the custom head styles (in case you want it back, just delete or comment the code).

@media all and (min-width: 1001px) {

.header.normal .mega-menu .dropdown.categories.fullWidth .box .picture {
display: none;
.header.normal .mega-menu .dropdown.categories.fullWidth .box::after {
display: none;
.header.normal .mega-menu .dropdown.categories.fullWidth .box {
margin: 0 5px 10px;
width: 228px;
Now this code will hide the images in the categories and it will provide little more space for the title and categories.

9 years ago

RichardS wrote:
I am using the motion theme and would like to incorporate the theme into an email newsletter that includes products.  I thought the easiest way to accomplish this to create a Newsletter category, add a title and some descriptive text, and add the products I am highlighting in this email.  

I use Streamsend for my email marketing and it allows me to import my email newsletter from a web page.  Streamsend loads the underlying HTML code, but when I send it out, it looses a lot of its formatting when viewed in the email client (outlook).  

Do you know how I can accomplish this easily and keep the motion theme formatting intact?


Hi Richard,

I am not familiar with the 'Streamsend', but I just saw a video tutorial of how it works and it looks pretty user friendly to me. I also saw that once you are finished with your Newsletter templates, you can see the preview and you can make some formatting if you need to.
That's in case you are adding your images one by one, but I did not saw what is happening if you want to export whole HTML page.
Can you please send me a print screen of exported HTML page to get better idea how it looks.  
Another thing can be the outlook version itself.
What version of 'Outlook' you are using? There might be the problem. For example in 'Outlook 2010' there is a long list of problems with the Newsletter styling.