
Profile: Boyko


User posts

12 years ago

vedran wrote:
The log entry message.Short message:   The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters.Models.ProductsModel', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.CategoryModel'.

Hi vedran,

When do you get this error?


12 years ago

kava wrote:

I'm trying to migrate nop commerce from 2.60 to 2.80.

The only one plugin that remains enable is Categories Header Menu.

Where I can see for this error?


Hi kava,

I can't understand what exactly you are trying to do.
We just checked that you have never downloaded any plugin from our web site.
If you want to install the free Header Menu plugin then simply make a purchase and download it.
Then you can follow the online documentation if you need further help.
Please don't duplicate post in the forum.


12 years ago

vedran wrote:
How to implement the filter on multiple category template (Products in Line or Grides, Products in Line or Grides1, Products in Line or Grides2, ...)?

Hi vedran,

The Nop Ajax Filters use a template with exactly the same name as the Category template of the current category. By default in nopCommerce there is only one template - CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.
So the Filters have only one template:

If you have other category templates then you need to copy the existing one and to rename it to match the name of your template. You need to keep the new template in the same directory as the existing default one.

Hope this helps!

12 years ago

Davej wrote:

Downloaded the file, cleared the cache, set the new DO theme and I was up and running in minutes!

I notice the header is now right aligned instead of left aligned - how do I make it right aligned?

Again, thanks for your help!

This is by design. It is how it used to be in the previous versions of the DarkOrange theme but on the left side there used to be the search box, which is now moved on the right side as we made it wider. You can always customize the theme to your needs by modifying the css styling of the theme.

Hope this helps!

12 years ago

Davej wrote:
I installed the new DO theme for v2.80 including all the 7 Spike Plugins.

Every alternate time I clicked a Menu item, a message was given indicating that "You are using a trial version...etc"

I uninstalled all the 7Spike plugins but now the Header Menu has disappeared and I don't know how to get it back.

When I switch back to the default Theme, the Header Menu comes back and performs as expected.

Does anyone know if this behaviour is by design or if not, how I get the Header Menu back?

Hi Davej,

The Dark Orange theme comes with the trial version of the Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection.
This is stated in the description of the theme. That is why you are getting the trial messages.
As to the Default menu, we decided that it is redundant when the Mega Menu is present that's why we hide it. But if you don't want to use the Mega Menu then we should show the default menu.
We just did it, so you can simply download the theme again and update the theme folder. Then you need to clear the browser cache.


12 years ago

nirmaljoseph wrote:
i too tried installing nop cloud zoom...i used the customized theme. but i couldnt access the nopcloud settings ..i dont know the reason...then i tried uninstalling it..but it is not getting uninstalled...Aftr installing this all my JQuery and JScripts keep on showing error..So i manually removed the folder from plugins folder in nop.web...But the effect still remains..Is this making any changes to the current Jqueries already seems as if some kind of conflict occurs....

If you can't access the Settings of the plugin then it is not properly installed.
Please modify you Global.asax file by adding some extra blank spaces in it and save it. This will force application restart and you should be able to access the Settings of the plugin.
For you information the plugin does not change any JQuery scripts, so your problems are not caused from the Cloud Zoom plugin.


12 years ago

kamyarp wrote:
I have 2 approach for test the theme :

1) In English language configuration I checked the right to left checkbox. and test the theme.

2) I use the following language resource that you can download it.

I find some other problem in RTL ShopAll Theme

1) Default Contact Us Page not rtl.
2) Advance Search in Forums.
3) Menu of "My Account" page .(Text of menu not rtl)

thank you very much

Best Regards
Kamyar Parvaneh

Thank you again for pointing these out and for the link with the resources. We are working to fix these issues and will let you know when we are done.

Many thanks again!

LesMc wrote:
I have created a custom tab for a "secondary" description. When I input text into the tab, then associate it with multiple products, the content shows up for all products.

Is there are way to have different content for different products using the same custom tab?

Hi LesMc,

That is quite strange as a custom tab is shown only for the products to which it is added. Is it possible that you have added the custom tab to a category as this will cause the tab to be shown for all products in this category?


12 years ago

kamyarp wrote:
I bought this theme in multi domain license .
how can I make it RTL ?
do you make it for me RTL?
I want it support right to left for arabic and another right to left languages.


Hi kamyarp,

We do plan to add RTL support for the Shop All theme in nopCommerce 2.8.
So you don't need to do anything. When we are done you just need to update the theme with the latest version. We will keep you posted.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

xtsiliv wrote:

Virtuemart in joomla supports something like this.
Take a look! The theme is awful!! but after description of the most products has the next and previous product.


We got the idea. This seems to be very useful. With the JCarousel plugin you can show products from the same category on the product page, which is something similar but not the same.
Would you mind suggesting your idea in our UserVoice portal?

Many thanks!