
Profile: Boyko


User posts

12 years ago

xtsiliv wrote:
I wonder if in nopshop all theme i can see my products on product page one by one...
like this: next -->next-->next-->next-->next etc
so... if i want, i dont have to go back every time in each category.

is it possible? i search and i didnt find any check box to chose.


Hi xtsiliv,

This is not possible in the Shop All theme as well as any other theme. Actually this is not supported in general in nopCommerce. Could you provide a link to a live web site that has this functionality, so that we can take a look?


12 years ago

inspired wrote:

As you hover over the filters you can see the URL that will get indexed, if you apply a filter the URL is different (I think you do this already) but the key is the URL that will get indexed rather than the hashed URL that gets added once you apply filters...

I'm working on losing the querystring for specs and manufacturer filter too as google prefers textual facets rather than querystrings, i.e ?specs=1,7 would be like: /dell/cpu-amd instead - but that's another thing all together!

I've been working closely with SEO companies for the past 2 years and they all request this, I am happy to help out where I can if you think this is something you'll be able to add in...



Hi Dave,

Thank you for the link it is very helpful!
This is really interesting but we are not sure if this could be easily implemented in the Filters.
Also we noticed that their Filters don't allow you to remove the initial selection i.e when you have /dell/cpu-amd for example.
Anyway feel free to suggest this in our UserVoice poratal and let see how many people will vote for it.

Best Wishes!

Trial messege
12 years ago

garrie007 wrote:

Just testing the mega menu and i keep getting a 'You are running a Trial version of SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu '

very anoying whilst testing trying to get the css in order, GOOD job this is not on a live server with potenial customers seeing this anoying messege.

as a potential customer to you i had problems with your categorey menu, didn't get fixed so now trying this menu with an anoying trial messege, it's off putting to say the least.


Hi Garry,

Please note that the trial version of the Menu is for evaluation purposes only.
We understand that the trial message could be frustrating during development and we will consider showing it less often. As you have already started to modify the styles of the Menu then it seems like you are going to use the plugin, so it would be best for you to get the full version now rather than later and get rid of the trial message.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

garrie007 wrote:

I have just installed the NopCategoryHeader Menu In NopCommerce v2.65 and have created my main categories and sub categories but when i go down the menu to say number six on the first child li it does not display the third child li next to it, its at the top of the first child li.

Is there a setting somewhere to fix this.



Hi Garrie,

Thank you for reporting this!

UPDATE: It turned out a css class was missing in the DarkOrange theme, which you have probably used as a starting point to your modifications.
There should be a style for a relative position:
.sf-menu ul li
position: relative;

Hope this helps!

12 years ago

inspired wrote:
It would be good if the Ajax filters could have the original URL of the Filter in the link so Google can Crawl a physical page as Google would only ever crawl 1 page per category, if the link was in the filter i.e,2 that would be indexed as a separate page where at present it doesn't look as if it would, I could be wrong.

This is the only reason I am leaving out Ajax Filters from my Shop All theme and developing the standard ones to work better for SEO.

Many thanks,


Hi Dave,

Could you please provide a link to a web site that has Filters that work with Ajax and build new URLs as you have described?


12 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
hi, I bhave Jewelry theme from nop-commerce2.65, when I hover the mouse on sub-product, the cloud zoom image is for the original product image, please visit the following site, notice the product image then hover on it and notice also which image will appear in the zoom window:

please advice

Hi Steve,

It seems like you have done quite a lot of modifications to the Jewelry theme.This is far from the default behavior of the nopCommerce.
In nopCommerce and in our themes respectively this functionality to change the picture of the product when you select a product variant is not supported.
This has already been suggested in our UserVoice portal.
Here you can vote for it.


12 years ago

pdesignz wrote:
I am currently using NopCommerce 2.65 and have the Ultimate Plugin and was thinking about upgrading to version 2.80, but see that you don't support 2.80 yet. Do you have any idea when you will be upgrading your plugin and be able to use with 2.80...


mediastorm wrote:
After doing some digging it turns out this seems to be a pretty common issue with IE and Ajax pages.

There are numerous plug-ins for jQuery and etc. to work around the problems when using IE with Ajaxified pages - most using window hashcode calls.

It would be awesome to see one of the various plug-ins baked into Nop Ajax Filters as it would solve the IE issue and could also make things better in other browsers.

A quick Google search on 'ie back button ajax' will return 1,030,000 results on the topic and it's easy to go from there...

This would be an awesome improvement to Nop Ajax Filters.

Hi mediastorm,

We are aware of the 'ie back button ajax' problem and actually the Ajax Filters do use such a plugin for removing this issue. During the development of  the back functionality in the Ajax Filters we noticed that our initial implementation doesn't work in IE but we fixed it. I am just testing the Filters on our demo web site with IE9 and they are working fine with the Back button. What version of IE do you use? It might just be some javascript error on your web site that prevents the back plugin that we use to work properly. Could you please send us a link to your web site, so that we can investigate?

Thank you in advance!

12 years ago

shayt wrote:

i have a book store and i want to have a custom tab named : behind the scene from the writer.
i created a custom tab,
but then i realized that every product will have a different content in this tab,
can i do that with quick-tabs ?
can quick-tabs get the value (the content) of a product field and not a constant text ?

if not, can you suggest how can i do that (except of having many many custom tabs, each one will be link to one product - that means numerous tabs...)


Hi Shay,

The only way to do this is to reuse some of the already existing product properties i.e Short Description. So you can add you product specific data in the short description of the product and then create a tab called "behind the ..." that will use the product short description.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards

12 years ago

xtsiliv wrote:
according to this topic:

i try to add in MegaMenu.cshtml submenu to an item that i create, but my submenu  displays as a list item and is not hidden and does not show as drop down on hover as the other section does on hover. Can somebody help me with the code please?


Hi xtsiliv,

You have probably missed to add the additional css classes to your submenu.

This is the structure of a dropdown menu item:
<li><a href="#">Text</a>
        <div class="dropdown fullWidth">
           Submenu text here

The div with the dropdown class is a must while the fullWidth class is optional.

Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!
Nop-Templates Support Team