
Profile: Boyko


User posts

digitalmbs wrote:

Wow thanks Boyko, can't wait to see it on my site. I have checked out DEMO, here are my thoughts.

1) How about putting a steps numbers i.e. 1. Billing Address, 2 Shipping Address 3. Shipping Method. Just to make it easier to follow etc.
2) Also, good to consider more intuitive layout and logic flow.
Finally, it will be major win if
3) Plugin can allow for up sale opportunity i.e. to suggest one or two extra related item (with discount if possible) to be added to order straight away by press of a button right there. I know its a big ask but it will be big winner. I am amazed with how powerful this is whenever I am on Vista Print website - check out here

Otherwise it really looks good.


Hi D,

Thank you for the feedback!

1. You can easily add numbers by a little modification in the code.

2. What do you mean by "more intuitive layout and logic flow"?

3. We can add cross sell products, which the store owner defines, and integrate our Ajax Cart plugin, so that the customers can add items to the cart without leaving the checkout page. But this can be done only if you have our Ajax Cart plugin installed otherwise you will be redirected to the product page when you click the Add to cart. So we will not introduce this in the first release of the plugin but will think about adding it in the next releases.

Many thanks again for the feedback!

Hi guys,

We plan to release the plugin this week.
Here is a link to the plugin demo with a walkthrough, which is still in progress but can get an idea of how the plugin works.

Any feedback is much appreciated!

9 years ago

gawrrell wrote:
Yes, it will be hard indeed. But I will keep the page layout(all html elments, classes etc.) and theoretically it should work.

I've seen that, for example,  for your QuickView plugin you have a Js file(QuickView.min.js) and a Dll (SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.QuickView.dll) ... are this two connected? If so, even if I manage to extract the theme it won't work on a php site because I cannot include a dll.

Hi gawrrell,

You can't have the .dll in a php shop. The logic in the dll uses the nopCommerce infrastructure to load the product information etc. The javascript is related to showing the additional markup and for making ajax requests to the server, so it won't work as well.
In general the plugins with all the files they use are designed to work with nopCommerce and it will not be possible to make them work with other platform.
Of course you can try to port the theme without the plugins and you can implement the functionality of the plugins by yourself.

9 years ago

gawrrell wrote:
Hello, If I buy this theme can I extract the HTML, CSS, JS, from it to build my own website? I guess that the javascript files are encrypted, but can them work on custom website?

Hi gawrrell,

It is possible but it will be hard for you to do this. All the functionality in the theme is based on nopCommerce markup and functionality plus the functionality and markup of the plugins, so the end result may be quite different without nopCommerce and the plugins.

9 years ago

kaspars.ozols wrote:
where i can find changelog, to see what bugs have been fixed in new release?

Hi kaspars.ozols,

What do you mean by new release? Are you talking about a new nopCommerce version or just a new version of the theme that is in your package (for the same version of nopCommerce)?

Hi guys,

Yes, we are working on a new Real One Page Checkout plugin that is similar to the one on The plan was to release it in February but we had to rewrite the whole plugin almost from scratch and that is why we are behind schedule. The plugin is almost done and will most probably be released at some point next week. We are testing it at the moment.

10 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Thx! :) it's works :)

I have last question... where I can configure this email?

<li class="email"><span><a href="javascript:AntiSpam('@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.EmailName")', '@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.EmailDomain")')">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.EmailName")@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.EmailAt")@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.EmailDomain")</a></span></li>

Hi jakubz,

As explained in point 4 of the tips and tricks section of the theme documentation these are resources that you can change.
Here is a video of how to search and change resources in nopCommerce.

10 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Maybe, but I talk then with Milen and he told me it's updated.

I find difference in our mobile-only.css

 .responsive-nav-wrapper.nav-up {
        /*-webkit-transform: translateY(-52px);
        -ms-transform: translateY(-52px);
        transform: translateY(-52px);*/


I delete this and now works good, can I do this? ;) or maybe problem is in another place?

Hi jakubz,

Yes, that was the problem as -webkit-transform is not supported in IE.

10 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Ok i see i have same problem with links to: Cart, Orders and My account :| Code are similiar.

Hi jakubz,

The code above works only for topics. To add links to the Cart, Orders and My account you need different code. There are predefined routes that you need to use to obtain the URL to these pages.


My Account




10 years ago

jakubz wrote:
I have problem with blog link.

I add: 
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("Blog") })">@T("Blog")</a></li>

Topic is good but link don't work (i click and nothing happen). What I do wrong?

This code works only for Topics!!!
Do you have a topic with system name Blog?