
Profile: Boyko


User posts

simon17 wrote:
Hi Stanev

thier member can upload the picture by click the red button and login to upload. you can have a look from the below link


Hi Simon,

Thank you for the clarification!

I actually registered and tried to upload an image (the administrator will not approve this for sure). This page was very helpful for me to understand how this all works.
It is a nice idea and I would advice you to suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and let others vote for it and we might consider implementing this as a plugin.

9 years ago

dacostadesigns wrote:
Hi, Where can I modify/change the titles of the options built into the "information" choices in the footer section. For example, I would like to change "Privacy Notice" to About-Us... (Please keep it simple if possible, I am novice)

Thanks Dan

Hi dacostadesigns,

These are resources. You can change them as shown in this video.

simon17 wrote:
Thanks for reply, i am using tiffany theme, and i would like to have a function letting my client can upload their photo to our web, and we will have a column "photo ablum" to show their picture, like the website

Hi simon17,

We are not aware of such a plugin for nopCommerce. Actually this is the first time we hear about such web sites but it looks very interesting.
How exactly the customer upload their pictures? Do they do this from their Accounts as we didn't see any Upload an image button or something.

simon17 wrote:
please sugguest the related plugin

Hi simon17,

Could you please elaborate on this? It will be best if you can provide some real world scenario, so that we can advice.

10 years ago

BlueMed wrote:

Unable to download Nop Salesforce

Eventhough it is free plugin, if i try to download the plugin , it popsup "Call for Pricing".Kindly suggest me where i can get the nopsalesforce plugin.

BlueMed Dev Team

Hi Ela,

The plugin is not free. Can you please tell why you think it is free?
Please use the Contact Us form to contact our Sales guys and they will give you more information i.e pricing etc. if you are interested in this plugin.

p.s: Looks like the product page is not looking good at the moment but we will correct it.

hanz wrote:

I have a question about the ajax filters. What is best practice considering performance for NC 2.8. Filter manufacturers by setting up manufacturing attributes or enable the manufacturs filter option in the Ajax Filters settings (which filters from the nop manufacturers tables) ?

I'm asking this since I used to add the manufacturer as an attribute fot each product. It saves time if I can skip that. When I now enable the manufacturs filter option, I get 2 manufacturer filter blocks so I have to decide what to do. Remove all manufacturer attributes or disable the manufacturs filter option,

Thanks for any advice!

Hi hanz,

I think the best you can do is to use the Manufacturer of the product rather than using a specification attribute for the following reasons:
1. It is easier to specify a manufacturer, which you should already have in the system rather than creating a duplicate specification option for this manufacturer.
2. It is much better to use manufacturer for the end user as they will also be able to browse the manufacturer page and see the products assigned to this manufacturer.
3. In terms of performance in 2.8 I can't say for sure, which is better as this needs to be checked on a database with a profiler. But I don't remember anyone complaining about the manufacturer filter. If at some point you decide to upgrade to new nopCommerce version you won't need to worry about performance and which filter to use as everything in the Filters is now handled from a stored procedure and is much much faster than it used to be in 2.8.

If you decide to remove the Manufacturer specifications you can easily do so by setting all the options in the database not to be filterable and then they won't appear in the Filters.

Hope this information is useful!

Meredith88 wrote:
The condition is that the product is in a certain category and none of the related products are in this category so that can't be the issue.  It is showing the large ribbon image not the small ones almost like it's finding any div with class="picture" and inserting the ribbon if you look at the link below hopefully you can see what I mean


Hi James,

Thank you for the link!
By the returned data from the server there should be 1 ribbon shown for 2 of the products - on the main product and one of the related products (this one). But for some reason this ribbon is shown on all products. It is some problem on the client side javascript that places the ribbons. Maybe some selector of the selectors is not correct but it is hard to debug this way. Please Submit a ticket specifying the product version you are using and provide FTP access to the site, so that we can upload the unminified version of the javascript of the Ribbons and debug it to see what is wrong.

10 years ago

artisticmutt wrote:
We were able to get the menu to be exactly like how the demo is, but when they're in the store viewing the products, and they tap on the "Categories" menu to have it drop down from the sidebar, it won't. It's the same with the Product Tags that is located below it.

Hi artisticmutt,

I am not sure I completely understand what exactly the problem is.
It would be best if you can share a link to your store and some screenshots of the exact problem. Also if you could specify if you can reproduce this on our demo store and also what browser you are using. If you don't want to share this information here then please feel free to Submit a ticket.

Meredith88 wrote:

I seem to have come across an issue on a website I'm developing in NOP 3.4 using ProductRibbons 3.40.  If a product has a ribbon associated to it when I am on the product page all the related products on the page are also showing the ribbon even though it isn't applicable.  

Any way I can fix this to show the correct ribbons on the related products?

Thanks in advance


Hi James,

If a ribbon is shown for a given product this means that there is a condition that is met.
You should check what condition you have defined for this ribbon and most probably the related products match this condition.

10 years ago

artisticmutt wrote:
We are running the latest Nop and the version of the ArtFactory theme and our customers are reporting that the category dropdowns are not working when viewing the shop page. Say you're viewing the catalog products) and you're on your phone and when you tap on "Categories", it does not do anything.

We have tested android, iphone and windows phones with no results at all. Please advise.

Hi artisticmutt,

Can you try to reproduce the problem on our demo store?
On the demo we don't have Categories menu item but we have Products menu item. Please note that on a mobile device you need to click on the arrow next to Products in order to see the categories in the store. You can't click on Products as there is no page to be shown that has all the categories in the store.