
Profile: Boyko


User posts

10 years ago

BlueMed wrote:
Dear Support Team,

Is there any way to disable the pricing for grouped product. I like to display the price on the Product details page only. Kindly suggest the best option. 

BlueMed Dev Team

Hi Ela,

We are not aware of such an option out of the box for nopCommerce.
There is no way to determine if the product is grouped or not in the product box.
The easiest way to not show prices in the product boxes is to hide them with css, which will hide all prices to all products not just the grouped ones.

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

GreatAdventure wrote:
Hello, are there any plans to upgrade Alfresco Theme with some of the great features available in some of the other themes such as Nop Traction? In particular I'm talking about for small screens such as mobile phones. It would be great to have the static bar at the top like the Traction Theme, containing the cart info, categories, and most important the filters for mobile sized screens. Plus the "go to top of page" button that appears when you scroll down.
Thank you.

Hi GreatAdventure,

Thank you for your suggestions!

We don't have such plans for now but you can suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and we can consider doing it. Some of the features you are talking about are not easy to be done as they will basically require remaking the whole theme as it has not been designed with them in mind. The go to top for example is easy to be done and we will plan it for our next sprint (after the holidays).

10 years ago

Ebrahim wrote:
Hi every body

How to change "ON SALE" text? I cant find it on Resources.en-us.xml on pelugin folder and main site Resources file.

I found text location on OnSaleFilter.cshtml file this section:

<div class="filtersGroupPanel" style="@toggleStateStyles">

but cant find @onSaleOptionsHtml(0).

Please help me

Hi Ebrahim,

It should be in the Resource file of the plugin. You have probably missed it.
Here is the resource key:"SevenSpikes.NopAjaxFilters.Public.OnSale".
Here is a video of how to search and change resources.

10 years ago

alecm wrote:

That makes sense, I'll double check those locations.  I know that I installed the plugin when running the project from source, maybe I need to set some thing as "copy to local" or something like that when I deploy to my web host?  

Also should I "add existing" for the theme and theme plugin directories in my source project, didn't seem to matter and allowed me to install theme and all plugins while running the site from Visual Studio but I wonder if it makes a difference as far as what gets created when the project is deployed to production as I can only see the theme and plugin files in Visual Studio currently by choosing the "Show All Files" view option.

Thank you for the help.

Hi alecm,

If you are using the source code version of nopCommerce then it will be best to add the theme and the plugins to your Nop.Web project. Just select them and click "Include in project". This way during the Deploy they will be copied.

p.s: I am talking about the SevenSpikes plugins and the ShopAll theme. It also depends on how your Publish profile is setup i.e to copy all the files in the Nop.Web folder or only the files included in the project.

10 years ago

alecm wrote:

I've just installed this theme version 3.50.  When debugging from source my homepage loads fine.  However once I publish the project and attempt to load it I get this error:

The partial view 'MiniShoppingCart' was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:

Looking for the view file it appears the directory where the view can be found should be:


Any ideas why the routing would be getting mixed up here?


Hi alecm,

The routing is not wrong as this is the correct location. We use our own ViewEngine that knows where to find the correct views but it gets confused as you most probably you don't have the theme plugin installed. Please check if the SevenSpikes.Theme.ShopAll plugin is present in your Plugins directory and if it is present in the App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt file.

10 years ago

madsgodvinjensen wrote:

I actually tried to submit a ticket before posting here but it doesn't work. The form finds no products no matter what I write. And if no product is found the text box is cleared. And the field is required... Can I send you an e-mail instead?

Hi madsgodvinjensen,

I guess you are trying to submit a ticket from an account that has no valid licenses. Please the account with which you have purchased the product for which you want to submit a ticket. We no longer accept support emails as we manage our support via the ticketing system.

leen3o wrote:
I have the latest version in v3.50 of nopcommerce, if I use the slider or a filter it seems to work behind the scenes. As in I see the Ajax call, if I check in Chrome inspector I can see the response and it's returning HTML of the products.

BUT it's just not updating the actual HTML on the screen, I've doubled checked the 'Products Grid Panel Selector' and it's correct - Its the '.product-grid'. But it's not replacing the content inside this div? Is this a bug in the latest one?

Hi leen3o,

We are not aware of such a problem in 3.5. Could you please provide a link to your web site, so that we can take a look?

10 years ago

gophfy wrote:

Can I safely upgrade to 3.5 using this template?

Hi gophfy,

We are about to release nopCommerce 3.5 compatible versions of our products later today. We will announce the release in our Releases section

10 years ago

lob337 wrote:
Hi we have a problem w Ajax Cart for v 3.10. Unfortunately we are in a position where we cant upgrade to a newer version just yet.

Hi lob337,

Could you provide a link to your web site where you experience this, so that we can take a look?

svdhorst wrote:
I recently migrated my NopCommerce sites to a new server. Originally the sites were located on the C: drive, now they are on the D: drive.

Please double check if the Ajax Cat plugin is copied into the Plugins folder of your new installation. Also double check if the AjaxCart is present in the InstalledPlugins.txt file.
If they are present then you probably need to add a few empty spaces in your Global.asax.