
Profile: Boyko


User posts

11 years ago

jeffahart wrote:
I cannot get the 2D carousel to filter by store in multi-store configuration.  Everything else switches on and off per store checked.  Just this one is giving me trouble.  Cannot figure what I'm doing wrong.  I've switched to a banner in the homepagetext Topic for now.  But I like the Carousel2D because the Topic automatically puts a <p> around my image html and has twice the white space above and below, and even that small real estate is critical.


Hi jeff,

This is fixed now. Please update the plugin to get the fix.


11 years ago

joster wrote:
Can you think of anything else that might be a problem?

Hi joster,
You can enable the "Allow customer to select theme" setting for a few minutes on your web site and check the DeafultClean theme by changing it just for you. This way you can see if the issue is present there.


11 years ago

jaxuk wrote:

How do I change the order in which the filters appear in the Nop Fashion Theme, I want Categories first which are currently last.


Hi jaxuk,

You need to change the widget zone of the Ajax Filter to be "left_side_column_after_category_navigation".


11 years ago

rmcsharry wrote:
SOLVED: this issue was nothing to do with the plugin, but with insufficient hardware, as I have described here:

Hi rmcsharry,

Thank you for the feedback as one may be left with the impression that the Ajax Filters are slow, which is not true.
It is much appreciated!


ellerlor wrote:
I want to use a custom tab to define the shipment cost; to do this I have to know the weight of the product. Into the _ProductCustomTab.cshtml page.
I put @using Nop.Core.Infrastructure as suggested by you and more other test but I am not able to know the weight of the product that I suppose I can find in Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.PopularProductTagsModel

Could you help me about this topic? It is the last steep before to go in production with my web site and nop templates plugin...

I am using Nop 3.2

Thanks in advance


Hi Lorenzo,

I think it is not possible. Neither the ProductOverview nor the ProductDetials models contain the weight of the product. To achieve what you need you need to create a new action that will contain your custom logic for getting the weight and the calculations around it and call this action from the _ProductTabs.cshtml view into a custom tab.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards, Team

11 years ago

joster wrote:
OK...well...I spoke too soon.

The log entry message.Short message:  The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'productPageId' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult RetrieveProductRibbons(Int32, Int32[])' in 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Controllers.ProductRibbonsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter.  
Name of the customer who caused the exception.Customer:  
Originating page of exception.Page URL:  
The referrer URL.Referrer URL:  
Date/Time the log entry was created.Created on:  1/14/2014 3:35:25 AM  

Hi joster,

Do you have a more recent one in the Log as this one seems to be from 6 days ago (when you said it was  updated), so probably it is an old log entry?

Date/Time the log entry was created.Created on:  1/14/2014 3:35:25 AM  

Please let me know if you find a more recent one in the Log.


11 years ago

kmaier2 wrote:

According to
the supported versions start at 2.65.

However the zip file I got contains only the following 2.8, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2.  In folder 2.8 there is a read me file telling me to upgrade.

I need to get this working for 2.65 as this was purchased because it was compatible with that version.

Any suggestions?

Hi kmaier2,

Yes, nopCommerce 2.65 is supported. We simply haven't included the 2.65 version of the theme in the downloadable package. Please send an email at our sales or support mails and we will send you the 2.65 version.


Hi Sonia,

Please refer to this post for the fix.


11 years ago

fakeplacebo wrote:

that would be great ...

Hi fakeplacebo,

Unfortunately your store is currently closed and we can't open the product page.


11 years ago

fakeplacebo wrote:

thanks for replay.

It's working now but I think still I'm missing a point:

if I select only main background and background texture

for example: "Main Background, (x)Transparent CanvasPattern,  pattern-2.png"

the Themeroller creates an empty themeroller.css file which is does not including any information.

But if I add to my selections one of the color presets Themeroller creates working Themeroller.css

So could you clarify me about this?

Best Regards

Hi fakeplacebo,

Thank you for reporting this! We will investigate what the issue is and will let you know.
