
Profile: Stefan


User posts

8 years ago

[email protected] wrote:

I would like to change the background colors for the social buttons on the home page. Can someone help please?

Thank you very much!

Hi Suzana,

You can add the following css in your admin -> plugins -> 7spikes themes -> nop urban theme -> settings -> custom head styles textbox:

.social-buttons li:nth-child(odd) { background: {hex_value} ; }
.social-buttons li:nth-child(2n) {background: {hex_value} ;}

Where you need to replace {hex_value} with your colors.

Hope that helps.

8 years ago

deselt wrote:
How to show future categories on homepage.

Hi deselt,

I suppose you mean the featured categories? If this is the case, they are hidden by default because our aim is to be displayed as part of the nop smart product collections plugin. If this will help, we can create a separate setting for this to indicate whether they should be displayed explicitly and separately on the home page.

Looking forward to your reply.

8 years ago

porcelanosa wrote:
So, everything but categories can be shown, even sticky category is working and all other links are displayed, but with current setup, home page + contact us + show categories, only home page and contact us link are present in menu. Any idea why is this happening? Version is 3.60, thanks in advance

Hi porcelanosa,

Would it be possible to make sure that you have categories that are marked as "Show in top menu" from the administration of your store. As you know all categories that are marked for showing in the menu, will be actually shown.

Also make sure that you have checked the "Include Categories" option from the mega menu settings from the administration of the plugin.

Hope that helps.

8 years ago

Hi again,

The css you are referring to comes from the color presets functionality in the theme. There is a less plugin that can be found in Plugins\SevenSpikes.Theme.Lavella\Styles\Less\preset.less. In this file you will see the css selectors that are used to generate this css with the hex code of the color selected from the admin -> plugins -> 7spikes themes -> nop lavella theme -> settings option. 

So basically when you save your color from the admin of the plugin, it uses the selected hex code to generate the css with the selectors and the hex code and injects this css in the head, so that you can see the theme with the selected color.

Hope it is clearer now.

Please let me know if you need any further help and information.

arueda wrote:

I am facing an error. I've configured products with "allowable quantities" : 1,6,12. After activating "Nop Ajax Cart" I can't add these items to my cart: Warning Popup message: "Allowed quantities: 1, 6, 12"

What can I do? Thanks!

Hi arueda,

So if you have configured "allowed quantities" to be 1, 6, 12 you will be able to add this product only with these given quantities. 

Please note that if you have previously added any quantity of this product to the cart and try to add it again, the quantity from this product from your shopping cart will be added to the quantity you are trying to add to the shopping cart and if it is not 1, 6 or 12, you will receive this error. This is because you should not be able to have different quantity from this product in the cart than the allowed ones.

Hope that helps.

8 years ago

gloriagloria wrote:
Hi, I see that in new version 3.70 that HomePageLRightBannerTop, do not see in responsive version on smartphone, why? In version 3.60 HomePageLRightBannerTop in column like other images, thanks.

Hi Gloria,

Can you please double check whether the "Hide second slider on home page on mobile displays" option is not checked in your admin -> plugins -> 7Spikes themes -> nop brooklyn theme -> settings menu.

If it is unchecked and still cannot see the slider on mobile, please send us a link so that we can investigate the issue.

Looking forward to your reply.

Missing info
8 years ago

ornlud wrote:
Hello and thanks for your reply

Added your code to the css file with no change.
I guess this is something to ponder on during easter time.

Best regards

Hi again,

I figured out what the problem is. Until we fix it you can disable the "Picture Thumbs in a Carousel" setting from the Cloud Zoom plugin administration and everything should be fine.

We will let you know when the fix is ready so that you can integrate it.

Thanks for the feedback.

Hi zahir,

By default in the Nop ArtFactory theme, we do not use the active class for the flyout cart. You can see it on our demo. So I am not sure how this active class is there by default.

When you first load your page, you see the flyout shopping cart expanded because it is loaded with an "active" class. Would it be possible to double check your FlyoutShoppingCart.cshtml view and see whether there is an "active" class by default.

The other way is to have your own js written for the theme which adds this class.

Hope this helps.

Please let me know if you still have problems with that.

Missing info
8 years ago

Hi Ornlud,

I think there is some issue with the jcarousel on the product page. Would it be possible to add the following in the very end of the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel\Themes\Native\Content\JCarousel.css file:

.jcarousel-list.jcarousel-list-horizontal {
    width: 20000em !important;

Please let us know whether this will fix the issue.

Looking forward to your reply.

8 years ago

ornlud wrote:
Ribbons are not showing in related products.


Sorry for /b/ language.

Page is

Hi ornlud,

By default, the ribbons are hidden as the related products are smaller than the other product boxes and it conflicts may occur due to this fact. But you can show them following the instructions:

Open your Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons\Themes\Native\Content\Ribbons.css file and edit it as shown below:

Change the piece of code below 

.home-page-listbox .product-ribbon,
.related-products-grid .product-ribbon{
    display: none;

to be like this one:

.home-page-listbox .product-ribbon {
    display: none;

Hope that helps.