
Feature Requests

8 years ago
#12113 Quote
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  • 1044
Help make Nop-Templates products better. Share your ideas or feature requests related to the Nop Smart Product Collections plugin for nopCommerce.
8 years ago
#12411 Quote
  • 17

I want to achieve the following :
On the left a picture (eg model wearing a dress with hat and shoes) followed by the three products dress / hat and shoes.

I tried it as follows:
Custom product group based on a category containing the three products. The category has a category images set to it. However the category image is not shown. (I have no subcategories, and do not want an additional tab for dress/hat/shoes to appear)

So my question is when is this picture shown, because I read on the feature page it can show a picture ;  

You have an additional category navigation with picture and subcategories for each Category Product Collection.


8 years ago
#12416 Quote
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Hi StephDep,

Can you please send us back a link to get a better idea of the issue. Meanwhile, you can take a look at the plugin documentation in the following link, where you can find how to setup the plugin properly.
Peter Zhekov
8 years ago
#12462 Quote
  • 17
Hope this is illustrating what I want to achieve. Question is how to configure.

ps  : Quite annoing one cannot upload images directly on your forum. This way the links may not work anymore after a period of time which might be a loss of information to other forum users.
8 years ago
#12464 Quote
  • 1570
StephDep wrote:
Hope this is illustrating what I want to achieve. Question is how to configure.

ps  : Quite annoing one cannot upload images directly on your forum. This way the links may not work anymore after a period of time which might be a loss of information to other forum users.

Hi StephDep,

The setup as you have described it seem right to me - a category product collection where you select your category with the three products.
The image of the category should be show and the three products should appear on the right side if you have added a Tab via the Tab Builder that appears when you edit the category in the administration.

You can submit a ticket if you want us to investigate why the image of the category is not shown.
Regards, Team
8 years ago
#13041 Quote
  • 184
Maybe it possible to add to this plugin function/button like:

Bestsellers - "show all"
New Products - "show all"

Now we have 4 or more product but can't move our client to "category" or landing page where we want create information for him?

I think something like "Collection Cyber Monday" Black Friday where we show specific product line and Client see few of them, and can click "show all" and move there where he find rest...

Is this possible? You can do this in few "way":

1. If this is category we choose form category tree / topic etc.
2. We just put there link do page where we want move client.

Of course we can check or uncheck this function. What you think?

8 years ago
#13051 Quote
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  • 386
jakubz wrote:
Maybe it possible to add to this plugin function/button like:

Bestsellers - "show all"
New Products - "show all"

Now we have 4 or more product but can't move our client to "category" or landing page where we want create information for him?

I think something like "Collection Cyber Monday" Black Friday where we show specific product line and Client see few of them, and can click "show all" and move there where he find rest...

Is this possible? You can do this in few "way":

1. If this is category we choose form category tree / topic etc.
2. We just put there link do page where we want move client.

Of course we can check or uncheck this function. What you think?

Hi jakubz,

Unfortunately, the plugin is not designed to work in this way. Could you please suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will implement it.

Hristian Dimov
8 years ago
#13140 Quote
  • 8
SUGGESTION It would be great to have collections for selected conditions of specification attributes
8 years ago
#13146 Quote
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  • 277

I have answered your question here. Please do not duplicate posts.
Anton Ivanov