
Profile: jakubz


User posts

6 years ago

we use ELement Earth Variant 1, and we work with google insight, and try make our page faster...

One Recomendation from google is remove blocking css and we have there 3 fonts. Oswald, Monsterrat, and Raleway... Main font out theme is Oswald. I'm wondering where are used another 2 (Monsterrat and Raleway?)? I delete them in console... but on first sight i don't see difference, so here i am ;) and maybe can someone explain, where it used? Or tell me why i shouldn't remove them?:) Maybe i can move them on a bottom page if this not a "main" font?

6 years ago

we want send to each registered user 1 message to order, after some time after we change status in to completed.

If we write here "Number Of Messages To Send Per Customer" = 1, is this means, customer receive only one message ALWAYS? Even he make another order? or only 1 message to one order/change status into completed?

7 years ago

Oh! thx! :) that's looks great :)

7 years ago

We start with element theme and have one problem.

I think in Ajax Cart we lose important information about stock (in our scenerio, when we disable add cart buton, when product is out of stock), User don't know why can't add product.

Maybe in feature it's good solution show information about stock (with subscription).

What you think?:)

7 years ago

we change a little our page, and want show 4 subcategories in line. We have make that products, but Admin panel support only 2-3 category in line.

Is this hard change to show there 4 subcategories?

8 years ago

Maybe it possible to add to this plugin function/button like:

Bestsellers - "show all"
New Products - "show all"

Now we have 4 or more product but can't move our client to "category" or landing page where we want create information for him?

I think something like "Collection Cyber Monday" Black Friday where we show specific product line and Client see few of them, and can click "show all" and move there where he find rest...

Is this possible? You can do this in few "way":

1. If this is category we choose form category tree / topic etc.
2. We just put there link do page where we want move client.

Of course we can check or uncheck this function. What you think?

8 years ago

Few month ago i talk about optimization your plugin (faster loading) in answear i hear you have some idea how to improve loading. Maybe you do something with this last time? :)

9 years ago

Hi I add on User Voise suggestion.

Please Vote ;)

"Hi Guys! maybe is possible to add this feature. Example: "Add XXX more to free delivery" support? This should work:

1. We have some discounts like: free delivery, when customer has cart with greater value than 200$, or 15% discount when client spend 300%, etc.

2. Customer is on real one page checkout with 180$ value in cart so he see information: "Add XX$ more to free delivery", or another informations with our discounts (we can enable / disable this information on discount page).

What are you thinking about it? :)"

9 years ago

Thanks! Yes we do that :) 

I have new idea, about registered clients. We want support them, and thats was be great if we can add to their Profile page with "your discouts and benefits". We can then send information to our clients about benefits, and they can go and looks them in their profile (if they are registered). 

What you think? :)

9 years ago

Hi Guys! 
today I start thinking about my reminder rule for a "completed order". 

1. I want send 1 email to client 1 month ago after status are changed to "completed". I want to send it always when customer buy something. When he is bought second, third time I want send this message . 

Now i have:
Reminder Rule: Completed order
Number of Messages TO Send Per Customer: 1 
Met Date later 29 days
Met Date Earlier 28 days
Interval 1 minutes. 

I thinking about "number of messages". If customr order in my shop 10 times... is he receive 10 messages from me? 1 to order... or only 1? 

I have little problem with to the understand that :/ i read documentation and examples, but still don't know is this settings are good :/

2. Is this are sending to a guest customers too? or only registered?