
Profile: nikola.dragiev


User posts

8 years ago


Since the markup of the header in Variant 1 and Variant 2 is different the selector which defines the markup that sticks is different. If you go to the uptown.js file which is located in \Themes\Uptown\Content\scripts folder you can see this code after line 466:

        if ($('.header-2').length > 0) {
            menuDesktopStickElement = "#headerMenuParent";
            menuDesktopStickParentElement = ".header-menu-wrapper";

Here you have define the html ellement that you want to stick and its parrent.
Have in mind that the Header Menu in Variant 2 is not located in the Header.cshtml razor view file, but in the _Root.cshtml file. Have in mind that if you move it from there you can have problems with the JavaScript or CSS of the theme.

8 years ago


Those links don't look to be part of the theme but look like they are custom added. To be able to help we will need live store link to your website, so we can see what is hiding them on mobile resolutions. Why don't you submit us a ticket about that issue and we will do our best to help you.

8 years ago


The size of the images are determined by the Media Settings(Configuration -> Settings -> Media Settings). When you install the Urban Theme plugin those settings are automatically set for your theme's demands. If you upload an image with a size bigger or smaller than the setting value nopCommerce will resize it. The only place where you will see the original size of the picture is in the Cloud Zoom plugin window. The space on the left and right parts of the Title and price in the Item Boxes is a design feature and it is left there on purpose. If you like to remove it please submit a ticket with our ticketing system and we will give you instructions on how to change it. Also if you contact us with a ticket we can give you a demo database backup and instructions on how to run it. That way you could set your website the same way as we did it on our demo website.  

8 years ago


It depends on the placement of the Mega Menu. If your menu is placed in the header div it will not work because the .home-page class is placed in the master-wrapper-content. If you are using nopCommerce version 3.8 you will have unique class on the html element of every page, so you could try replacing .home-page with .html-home-page. If you are using an older version of nopCommerce we can provide you with a different solution. Maybe you can submit a ticket about that issue.

8 years ago

Hello Ryan,

You will have no problem uploading smaller on height slider to the theme. The content of the page will just start closer to the top.
We can give you instructions on what to change to place the menu on top of the page, above the slider, but you will have to submit a ticket about that. We will send you some files you will have to replace, and attaching a file is not possible in our forum. If you decide to buy the theme just write us and mention this post and we will be happy to help you.

8 years ago


Thank you for reporting this. We have included the link in the Footer of the theme. We will be deploying it to our servers shortly. If you like you could wait a couple of days and download the latest package of the theme, with the fix included, or you could submit a ticket about that issue and we can send you the modified Footer.cshtml file, which you can replace with the one in your theme.


Will it be possible for you to submit a ticket on that subject. Then if necessary we can send you the additional files.


The problem looks to be that the /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout/Themes/uptown/Content/RealOnePageCheckout.css  file is missing. Could you please see if the file is there and if no you can find it in our theme's package. Also, make sure that in General Settings you have selected Uptown as your theme.


Since we are not able to reproduce that problem will it be possible for you to send us a livestore link to your website. If you don't want the link to be visible by other visitors of the forum maybe you could send it with  Personal Message or submit a ticket.


We tried to reproduce the problem, but such was not visible. Are you sure that you are not using an outdated version of the plugin. Wich version of the plugin are you using? You could try downloading Nop One Page Checkout Plugin again from our website and try to replace it with the one in your website.