
Profile: iliyan.tanev


User posts


I have replied to you in your other post.

9 years ago


Did you run all of our upgrade scripts?

Take a look at the How to upgrade a theme article in our documentation. 

9 years ago


Have you done any modifications to nopCommerce source? 

9 years ago


This is a matter of plugin configuration. We are not experts on USPS and we can not give you much better information than you already have.

I suppose you have checked only the First class option. If I understand correctly USPS provide both the parcels and letters as first class services. I think that is why you are getting both. Maybe you should select only the parcel options (Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail Parcel, Library Mail Parcel), but I am not exactly sure if this is what you need. 

The best you can do is write in the nopCommerce forums. Maybe a store owner who is using the USPS could give you better advice on how to configure it the way you want.

Hope this helps!

9 years ago


Can you check your browser console (you can find it by pressing F12) for any JavaScript errors? 


9 years ago


Can you check the Network tab in your browser console and inspect the Request Payload for the getFilteredProducts request?

Make sure it contains the appropriate ids of the selected filter options. For example, if you select some specification the specificationFiltersModel7Spikes.SpecificationFilterGroups should have some of the items with FilterItemState selected.

9 years ago


chrjoh wrote:
I'm getting the same error when upgrading from 3.6 to 3-7.
Executed the upgrade scripts from your site, nr 15, 16, 17 and 18  (upgrade from 3.5).

Any ideas?

I have replied to your ticket.
Maybe it will be best to send us your database, so we can try to upgrade it locally because we are unable to reproduce any problems.


Can you raise a ticket with link to your site and admin credentials, so we can inspect your store ?


9 years ago


There is no setting that provides the option to remove the countdown timer from the product details page, but this is an interesting option that we will consider adding to the plugin.
You should suggest this to our UserVoice portal, so you could find out when we start and finish the feature.

Currently, you can do the following to remove the countdown timer from the product details page:

1. Open SupportedWidgetZones.xml file in the plugin folder
2. Add some non-existing widget zone to it, like: <WidgetZone>non existing</WidgetZone> and restart your application
3. Go to the plugin administration -> Manage Sales Campaigns -> Your campaign and in the Widget Zone setting select the non-existing widget zone

This way the sales campaigns won't be integrated on product details page and the slowness should disappear if it is from the plugin.
Hope this helps!

9 years ago


You need to remove them from the Footer.cshtml view.
Remove or comment the whole list elements around line 25 and 26.

You can find the view in Themes\Motion\Views\Common.