
Profile: markokrstic


User posts

8 years ago

Hello guys,

we have clients reporting this issue on their MAC laptops. Take a look pic below:

8 years ago


how to show up this section on homepage like on demo?

8 years ago

also there is one more bug, we use your HelpDesk plugin and with this theme there is a bug in Ticket button. Check screenshot:

8 years ago

Hello guys,

there is a bug with phone, email, skype info under Contacts. We need only email and phone, and when i delete phone and skype and fax there is a still icon and seven.spikes.something. How to remove this?

8 years ago

Boyko wrote:

is there option maybe, that only clients who purchased products can open ticket for that product?

Hi markokrstic,

There is no such option out of the box in the administration.
Are you talking about the New Ticket page where the customer can select a product or for the product page where there is a link to the New Ticket page (i.e to hide the New Ticket link on the product page)?

I asked if there is an option like customers role for ticket option which can see only customers which bought our products. 

Btw I saw on nop plugins that this plugin is updated few days ago. Whats new? 

8 years ago


is there option maybe, that only clients who purchased products can open ticket for that product?

8 years ago

Can u add somehow progress % for tickets? We need that. When somebody open ticked we wanna use 20%-50% 80%-100% to show progress to them. 

8 years ago


how to change UTC to EST? cause our time zone is EST. Ty

9 years ago

Peter.Zhekov wrote:
Hi Marko, Have you got any live site, or can you please provide an image to see how does it look on the mobile devices, because on our demo site it works fine.  

Hi Marko,

The problem is in the javascript code that you used to call the 'fancybox' popup (see the code below).

    'hideOnContentClick': true

how I can remove this Current, New, Retire, Upcoming?

9 years ago

Peter.Zhekov wrote:
Hi Marko, Have you got any live site, or can you please provide an image to see how does it look on the mobile devices, because on our demo site it works fine.