
Profile: anton_ivanov


User posts

7 years ago


I am sorry I must've missed that the first time I looked at the pictures.
There is nothing wrong with your settings as far as I can see.

Can you submit a ticket with URL to your store and admin credentials so we can further investigate this issue?

7 years ago


You will need to check the Show Ajax Filters on Search Page setting in Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Ajax Filters -> Settings -> Integration Settings in order for the filters to be shown on your search page.

Hope that helps!


Limiting the Instant Search plugin to only certain roles works. The Instant Seach is not displayed on your store if the customer role is not right but then the nopCommerce original search is displayed.

If you want your search button to not be shown in your public store for some customer roles you will need to do some code modifications. You will need to edit the ~/Views/Catalog/SearchBox.cshtml and get the current customer roles like this:

var customerRoles = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IWorkContext>().CurrentCustomer.CustomerRoles;

(you will need @using Nop.Core; @using Nop.Core.Infrastructure; also)

After that, you will need to check if the user has the correct customer role and show/hide the search depending on that.

Hope that helps!


It seems that some search engines are making bad requests in your store due to some old javascript files being cached.
These errors shouldn't bother you since they aren't a real issue. However, if you are using a CDN of some sort you can clear your site's cache from there in order to avoid these errors.

7 years ago


You can try to map your new products to a category called "New Products" instead of marking them as new. That way you will still have a separate page for your new products but it will have the Ajax Filters on that page.
Since one product can be mapped to more than one category you will still have your new products on their original category page but will also have them on your "New Products" page.

Hope that helps!

7 years ago


This issue is fixed in the latest version of the Real One Page Checkout plugin. You will need to update your plugin.

You can read more on how to update a plugin in this article from our documentation.

7 years ago


Thank you for reporting this!
We've been able to reproduce this issue and are currently investigating how to fix this.
I will write here as soon as we have a fix or more information regarding this issue.

7 years ago


The Shipping Adress will not show if you do not have any active shipping methods. And since UPS, for instance, needs a Shipping Address Country to be selected in order for it to show you will get that "deadlock" on the Checkout page where you wouldn't get the shipping methods active because there is not shipping address and you will not get the shipping address since there are no shipping methods.

You can avoid this issue by selecting a default shipping country from the Default Shipping Country setting in Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> One Page Checkout -> Settings -> General Settings. You can also check the Preselect Last Customer Shipping Address  setting so that the last shipping address will be preselected for your returning customers.
That will choose a shipping country for your clients when the Checkout page is loaded which means that the shipping method will be active and the shipping address will show. Your clients can change that country anytime they want during the checkout process (while they are on the checkout page).

Hope that helps!


Thank you for reporting this issue. We've found the cause of the issue and fixed it in the new version of the plugin. You can update your Ajax Filters plugin to receive the bug fix.

You can find more information on how to update a plugin in this article from our documentation.

Hope that helps!

7 years ago


I am happy that I was able to help!
Unfortunately, the Ajax Filters plugin doesn't work on the New Products page. The Ajax Filters work only on catalog pages - category details, vendor details, manufacturer details, search page.